My name is Chris Garneau. I graduated from Penn State University with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. As a grad student, I worked in the OPEN Design Lab performing research in Design for Human Variability until I graduated in 2012. I spent time with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED) from 2012-2019, and I am now with the U.S. Army DEVCOM Analysis Center Human Systems Integration (HSI) Division. This website is a landing page for my publications and other career- or project-related information. Email me at if you have any questions.


Find my conference and journal publications, as well as technical reports (TN's and TR's) from my time with ARL and DAC, at Google Scholar.

HSI Tools

As part of my career in HSI with the U.S. Army, I have developed and contributed to a variety of design tools to help users apply HSI principles, data, and best practices. Below are YouTube demos I put together for a few of these tools. Find more tools available for HSI analyses from a variety of developers by visiting the HSI Tools Catalog.


The Military Anthropometry Resource Companion (MARC) is a tool for accessing and analyzing anthropometric reference data from U.S. military surveys.


The Job Assessment Software System (JASS) is a mobile app for defining and measuring job aptitudes based on subject matter expert (SME) feedback.


The Behavioral Observations Logging Toolkit (BOLT) is software developed by the U.S. Army to provide a mechanism for data collectors and analysts to facilitate the digital collection and real-time analysis of information to evaluate human-machine interfaces.